I am Ali Patta or Ali Philip. I was born and brought up in Muslim - TopicsExpress


I am Ali Patta or Ali Philip. I was born and brought up in Muslim family.In 1987 I became a Christian. A small booklet on human heart showed me who I am. Then on I started reading the New Testament. The verse “Come unto me and I will give you rest” opened my heart. While reading the scriptures I began to experience inner peace and happiness and some kind of cooling effect for the heart which I did not get through the Quran and its rituals and fastings and worships. Since the Bible was giving me answers for all my problems and questions, I started studying the scriptures more deeply and comparing it with the Quran. I felt astonished through this study because the God in the Bible was entirely different from the Allah of the Quran. I saw Jesus as my Lord who is the Truth and the way and the life for me. He became my redeemer who connected me with the heavenly Father. . I accepted Him as my personal Saviour At this moment a great desire germinated in my heart that I must reveal this truth to my Muslim brothren. But that brought me to face serious trials from my family. I was severely beaten, hospitalized by my friends, even doctors left me telling that the chances for mysurvival were zero percent. But in the hospital bed in one night I saw the Lord Jesus face to face. He healed me completely on that same night. The next morning doctors could not believe what they saw. I left the hospital with perfect health. My Christian friends did not allow me to stay in my native place any more. I resigned my job and joined in a Bible Seminary. After the completion of the Seminary Course, I started the work among the Muslim community. We published Several tracts and booklets and trimonthly bulletin also for this people. Now we are facing financial crisise. The publication of books and tracts and magazines continued till 2011 The Al-Noor Ministries is organized in humble faith so that through which the sincere souls from the Muslim community also may come to the light of salvation that is freely offered in the Lord Jesus Christ. According to the 2009 census there are about 83 lakhs of Muslims in Kerala. They have not heard the gospel truth so far. “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest,” (John 4:35 ). “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest”Mathew 9:37, 38. “Whom shall I send, and Who will go for us?” Isaiah 6:8.“How the shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall theyhear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent Romans 10: 14, 15. During this 12 year period we were able to reach thousands of brothren and sisters from this people group. All these are taking place because of the end of the time is very near. We request you to remember this groupand Lords’ work among this people in the state of Kerala in your prayers. Thanking you Yours Faith fully Ali philip,Director Al-Noor Ministry
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 17:19:44 +0000

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