I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savoir. I am - TopicsExpress


I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savoir. I am Saved are You saved!!! Give room in your heart for Jesus Christ our King of king and Lord of Lord and majesty in all,. Do not for get the Lord give thanks in everything for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus...Is any thing too hard for the LORD?..TO LIVE IS CHRIST TO DIE IS GAIN.********** Isaiah 55:6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:** Matthew 3:2 And saying REPENT ye: for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand./Mark 1:1The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God./(He come to the SINNER not to the Righteous) ************BE RECONCILED TO GOD IS THE ONLY WAY**** I thank You to God for everything everyday, he hold the future and everyday I am awake and every breath that I take..I Trust ye in the Lord for ever... ....Remember Seek God first..how would we know...Bible tell me saw.... .. B-I-B-L-E...BASIC - INFORMATION - BEFORE - LEAVING-EARTH......... ...( Hebrews 12:11...peace for those who have been trained by it....) (Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.). ( Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you)....... Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Hebrews 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.../Psalm 100:5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations......... Psalm 33:11 But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. Isaiah 55:8-9 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 2 Samuel 7:19 And as if this were not enough in your sight, Sovereign LORD, you have also spoken about the future of the house of your servant--and this decree, Sovereign LORD, is for a mere human! Psalm 40:5 Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare. Isaiah 14:24 The LORD Almighty has sworn, Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen. Isaiah 53:6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 58:13 If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORDs holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, Isaiah 65:2 All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations-- Psalm 103:11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 00:32:56 +0000

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