I am a big believer in practicing what you preach. I believe in - TopicsExpress


I am a big believer in practicing what you preach. I believe in eating for health and that food is medicine. We all need different amounts of different kinds of food depending on our medical background, activity levels, age, weight etc. I do not believe in a one diet fits all approach and do not believe in diets. Why? because I have worked with enough people to see the side effects- weight fluctuations, fatigue, micro-nutrient deficiencies, emotional eating, anxiety etc.. I respect everyones opinion and food preference, even if I would not follow or recommend it myself. It is no secret that in recent times a certain celebrity chef has been criticising the dietetic profession and spreading the love for the Paleo diet, explaining there is NO other way to eat. I am not against the Paleo diet as I think the principles actually have good intention. What I am against is how there is no other way but to follow this strictly (according to the leader himself..) that is right- NO bread, grains, dairy, legumes. Yes we may need to reduce the amounts we are eating, especially if we are no active, but to avoid completely for the rest of our lives and on the basis that because our ancestors (that lived to what like 20???) were healthier and happier..hmmm But that aside, my main issue is how some person with NO tertiary qualifications in nutrition from a real university can have such influence and can ridicule qualified nutrition professionals, claiming that we are the cause for obesity...going back to my original point, I believe in practicing what you preach. The last time I looked, opening a lovely new Italian restaurant (Chiara in Melbourne..check out the menu) serving a range of pasta, pizza and bread and having a small note saying our meals can be made Paleo friendly is NOT practicing what you preach. Being the judge on a reality cooking show where a range of non-paleo meals are being cooked and eaten is NOT practicing what you preach. Wake up people- it is a money making game. Eat Paleo if you want, if your happy and healthy by all means keep going, but do not tell me this is the only way of eating. I think having a masters degree and soon to be doctor in nutrition I can win that debate...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 00:32:49 +0000

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