I am about to go on a rant & I hope that every woman that reads - TopicsExpress


I am about to go on a rant & I hope that every woman that reads this will share it on their page, because the news media certainly will not share this with us. I had to spend several hours at Baptist Womens Health Center last week (yes, everything turned out ok!) having tests run. After the ultrasound & diagnostic mammogram, I spent quite a lot of time with the radiologist. She told me that hospitals have already received their 2015 guidelines under our wonderful new Affordable Health Care Act. Beginning January 1, 2015, your insurance will not pay for a mammogram for women under 40. Never mind that women in their 20s & 30s are diagnosed with breast cancer everyday. From ages 50 to 75, your insurance will not pay for a mammogram but every other year. For women like me who should have a diagnostic mammo every year because of precancerous cells removed previously, you will pay out of your own pocket or just run the risk by not having one done. By the way, a diagnostic mammo & the doctors fees to read it run about $2000. Add that to the health care premiums you already pay! Heres the kicker. after age 75, your insurance will not pay for a mammogram at all. Guess the democrats think at 75 were ready to die, so lets dont prevent breast cancer at all. If you are diagnosed with breast cancer after 75 at your own expense, your insurance is not required to pay for treatment either. And people tell me all the time they vote for Democrats because they are for the people. Which people would that be????? My doctor is horrified that this is not all over the news. She said everyone should go over their health care policies with a fine tooth comb beginning 1-1-15 to see what is not longer covered that has always been covered before. She told me that the guidelines sent to doctors tell the doctors it is no longer necessary for the doctor to do a breast exam as part of a womans physical!!!!! Please make sure that everyone you know reads this. And for those of you who think that Snopes has the final honest to God last truth on everything, just remember. This came from a doctor at a hospital who has read guidelines already sent to the hospitals. Thats good enough for e.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 03:19:43 +0000

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