I am afraid of the current lack of awareness, and the insanely - TopicsExpress


I am afraid of the current lack of awareness, and the insanely high levels of ignorance, in so many human beings today. I believe they are so caught up in their own worlds, and in their own idea of time and space, that they lack the basic ability to interact with others. To feel empathy, and to further see that an entire world exists outside of themselves. Self-driven, self-glorifying, self-absorbed, self-centered, narcissistic. What happened to cause this wrinkle in humanity? Can we blame it on technology, and the almost complete detachment from real, face-to-face communication? Do we blame it on the barrage of chemicals, hormones, and genetically modified foods many people ingest on a regular basis? Im at such a loss to understand, or even begin to explain, why humans have dumbed themselves down. I thought the theory of evolution detailed survival of the fittest. I also thought that evolution, over time, weeded out unnecessary and useless traits, and let the strongest, more successful traits survive. We are evolving in such a way that people are becoming dumber. We are so comfortable, living in our cushy environments. We have technology and video games that allow our children to play basketball, football, etc., from the comfort of their sofa or bed. We have cell phones that allow us to communicate with a keyboard. No spoken words or complete thoughts required, because we have emoticons and LOLs and WTFs. We are all becoming less and less homosapien-like, and we are truly losing the survival of the fittest/evolutionary prompts to our species. I am afraid for my children. I really feel like my fellow 40-somethings understand what I am saying. Our race has easily and comfortably come to rely on devices, and as a result, seems to have lost the art of communication, and human interaction. It makes me sad.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:21:36 +0000

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