I am an Animal Rescuer.....that means I cry a lot. We are all - TopicsExpress


I am an Animal Rescuer.....that means I cry a lot. We are all criers. We cry over the good, the bad and the ugly part of rescuing. We cry when we get physically and emotionally broken pets. We cry over the conditions they have been living in. We cry when they wag their tail for the first time, play with a toy for the first time, and eat food out of a bowl for the first time or when we are given our first kiss. We cry when we get a pampered pooch that had a family that couldnt keep their pet any longer. Sometimes we cry because the family is crying and sad, sometimes we cry because the family could care less. The good thing is I have never taken a pet that cared enough to cry once their owner was out of sight......they move on and love someone else very quickly. We cry over the emails sent to us from shelters all over the state showing pictures of beautiful dogs that are going to die the next day because no one is rescuing them and we cry because we cant save them all. We go to the local animal control facilities when they ask us to please come and save a few because they are out of room and they are going to have to euthanize and we cry over the ones lucky enough to be chosen and we cry over the ones we had to leave there, feeling more quilt than the owner of the dog that either brought their pet there or didnt care enough for their pet to look for it after not taking care of it appropriately in the first place. We cry over the dogs tied to boxes that seem more like lawn ornaments than pets.....the ones that can hear the family indoors laughing and being a family.....with another family pet that is allowed to be indoors but they are not. We cry when the weather gets cold and the dogs are made to tough it out because they have the coat God gave them or they are built to live outdoors. We cry over the ones that have owners that dont give them adequate shelter, food and water and we cry because the laws in our beautiful state of WV don’t help to protect them from owners that dont care about them. We cry over the back yard breeders.....you know the ones that want to teach their children the facts of life, the miracle of birth, want them to experience their family pet having a litter. Then they take them to a Walmart parking lot or post them on Craigslist or a giveaway social media page and give them to anyone that will take them. Then there are the ones that think you can breed and make money and if they are it is because they have a stable full of breeding dogs that are over bred, that arent getting treated as a family pet but a money maker. We cry over the negativity we face daily from people that think we are too extreme or love pets too much or say that we give them more credit for having feelings than they do. We cry over people that sit back and do nothing from the comfort of their homes which gives them plenty of time to be critical of rescues that are dedicating their lives to rescuing pets that have no one else. We cry because we face obstacles at home.......maybe our partners dont share our passion and we are made to choose something we love over someone we love. We cry because shouldnt someone we love want us to do something we love. If only it were that easy. We cry when adoption time comes and we hand over the pet that we have loved like our own, nursed back to health, slept with, played with, snuggled with, and we cry because we have made a difference in that dog’s life. We cry when we receive updates from the new family. We cry when we see pictures of our former foster dogs looking happy and healthy with the family we have chosen for them. We cry because we played a part in making that happen. When we stop crying maybe it is time to stop rescuing.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 19:52:26 +0000

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