I am an anti-political activist. Politics is bullshit. - TopicsExpress


I am an anti-political activist. Politics is bullshit. Politics is shenanigans. Politics is deal-making. Politics is cronyism. Politics is partisan loyalty. Politics is loyalty to donors. Politics is loyalty to special interests. Politics is collusion. Politics is betrayal of the public trust. Politics replaces integrity with corruption. And, thats a best-case scenario. In the real-world, such as the US Congress, politics is pure theater. Scripted nonsense, a shadowboxing stage-show between faux rivals so that both flavors of corrupt bastards can wag some meaningless words at their constituency, when necessary. When all is said and done, lobbyists write or edit most bills that are passed into law by Congress. Partisan voters, as inebriated with intellect-blocking partisan loyalty as the shirtless drunks in football end zones, never shake-off the hangover to even ponder when the last piece of citizen-centric legislation was passed by Congress into law. The easily-fooled may cite some piece of legislation with a psychologically-charged, apparently citizen-centric title, but it is invariably Orwellian doublespeak for the corporate-centric text of the bill. The drama of the political theater is so high that it (along with the mind-numbing partisanship itself) prevents a large segment of the US population from realizing that every single bill that has passed in at least 40 years has been corporate-centric. Thats right, folks - way before Citizens United. Not to leave the impression that prior to 40 years ago was the good old days is US politics, the vast majority of bills passed into law by Congress have been pro-wealthy, pro-business and anti-citizen from the beginning (especially anti-citizen to those who are not wealthy, white, and male.) No one who is informed should want politics in any form. What we need is non-partisan, transparent discussion, debate, and deliberation leading to citizen-centric legislation and dismantling corporate-centric legislation. No games, no dealmaking, no collusion, no bullshit. Does this sound like something that the Democrats and Republicans might be willing to do? Of course not - these partisans work for the Elite and the corporations they own. It will never get better as long as Congress is filled with corporatists, and it makes no difference if they are corporatist Democrats or corporatist Republicans. Just imagine for one minute: Congress filled with ordinary citizens, vetted to have no corporate ties, and no political parties. US citizens represented by citizens. A government of, by, and for the people. (Even if you want the FORM of government changed, it would have to start by getting the corporatists out and citizens in.) ResetButtonMovement.Org
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 15:52:12 +0000

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