I am astounded that Law 18C is being repealed after recently - TopicsExpress


I am astounded that Law 18C is being repealed after recently seeing an elderly man attacked by two young women on a bus the attack included racial slurs and there have been other attcks like this , YOU ARE OPENING THE GATES FOR MORE COWARD PUNCHES , MORE MARGINALIZATION AND MORE DIVISIONS IN OUR CULTURE BUT PERHAPS YOU DO NOT HAVE THE EMPATHY, WISDOM NOR FORESIGHT TO SEE THE LONG TERM CONSEQUENCES OF WHAT YOU PROPOSE the caps are used not to shout but to get your attention. I and many other Australians do not understand your reasoning nor the justifiable purpose. Our society is already in moral decay and allowing freedom of speech to include racial slurs is frankly asking for trouble on many levels that you obviously cannot or will not foresee the long term consequences of. There is always a price a personal price to pay for every action you take or do not take by omission and you like everyone else are not free from the consequences of that Universal law Mr. Abbott, not even the confessional can protect you from that Law. Mr Abbott some traditions in our culture should be upheld but the White Australia Policy is something to be ashamed of as a Nation considering that we have benefited considerably over many years from the influx of hard working migrants who have contributed to our Economy. The obsessive focus on the Economy which these days and for the last 15 + years seems to overshadow the Community! We used to be a great Nation but we are no longer because of the inner decay. The long term treatment and marginalization of indigenous people is also something to be vastly ashamed of, Kevin Rudd may not have done much in many peoples eyes but thank god he said Sorry to the indigenous peoples of Australia. Racism is shameful as is discrimination of all kinds on all levels I recommend you study the lives of Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa and Gandhi and take leaves out of their wise leadership and personal approach and accountability if you truly want to be remembered as a great politician. I was ashamed to be an Australian during the White Australia Policy and in reviewing the treatment of the indigenous peoples of Australia I became ashamed again and now the proposed Repeal of 18C has increased my shame to be considered an Australian.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 22:05:09 +0000

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