I am aware that you want me to say what I think about Israel and - TopicsExpress


I am aware that you want me to say what I think about Israel and Palestine Peter. First of all I think that it is ridiculous for you to want me to comment at all, because I feel it is some sense better not to, more respectful not to since nothing I can would shed any new light on what everybody knows is happening, the death and immense suffering of others. However, I know that you will not leave it alone. Well, personally i am pro-Israel and I suppose I would be called a Zionist. The reason for this is not political, or idealogical or even religious. It is because I have studied both history and ancient history, the former at degree level, and I am interested in comparative religion. I can tell you now that the Jewish people have been persecuted and slaughtered for thousands and thousands of years, ever since there have been Jewish people to persecute and slaughter. Hitlers genocide and persecution during the second world war was by no means the first,,although I hope it will prove to have been the last. The Jews have been enslaved, bullied and murdered in every country they tried to go to; and they tried to be good citizens, and they tried to fit in and contribute to society, but still they were robbed and killed. They went everywhere and they tried everything, but they wherever they went and whatever they did people were suspicious of them, spread lies about them, and conspiracy theories, and they they were slain and their possessions stolen. So it is my belief that the Jews must have their own homeland and that homeland must be Israel. Not because the bible says it must be Israel, but because they have a historical claim to it which no-one can deny. They do not have such a strong claim to any other part of the world, and history (and frankly present day anti-semitism) proves they are not truly safe in any other part of the world. I support Israel for all these reasons. That does not mean that I think that all of Israels behaviour and actions are necessarily totally right or valid. The suffering of the Palestinian people is dreadful, I feel that, but I dont know how to resolve the situation any more than anyone else does. They are people fighting over territory and somehow or other a resolution must be found. That depends on both sides being sincerely open and willing to find this resolution, not on any opinion I might or might not have as an individual. I feel it is frivolous to comment on such a serious situation and I will not do so again so stop pestering me Peter. You really get on my nerves sometimes.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 15:31:17 +0000

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