I am blessed with the most incredible friends who are blessed with - TopicsExpress


I am blessed with the most incredible friends who are blessed with the most incredible friends. You all rock and have helped me get through a VERY tough time and continue to lift me up when I start to worry if I can move forward.... Thank you all very, very much - beyond blessed to know each of you!! Brian has chosen to continue to LA. Since he is 18, the police could not detain him and return him home. It is not that I want him dragged back here. Quite the opposite.. I want him to be happy with what he is doing.. and I want to know he is safe. LA is quite bit different than the corn and soybean fields here in the midwest.... Its not that I dont want him here either. I would love for him to come back... would love for his sister to come back, just so we can have a few more memories...... I just want them safe. And frankly, it is a little bizarre being alone in the house with Denny because after 21 years of being with kids....its really quiet here.... I dont have anyone telling me top 10 lists or bothering Coco until she growls... Well, scratch that, Denny still gets Coco all riled up, but it is just not the same. It will take a day or two, but Daisy and Beau will start missing Brian too.... its just weird..... I live alone with a boy now, and it is weird - anyone offering cootie immunizations? :) In all seriousness... Brian has been in contact via text, so that is a great relief. We can ping his phone and determine where he is at. He was in Texas last check. Did I know he was going to leave like this? No.... otherwise I would have worked from home way more often. I didnt think he would leave without telling us because he saw how incredibly distraught we were when his sister jumped ship on her 18th birthday.... and she only moved 2 miles down the road... Dont we always have some wonder in the back of our minds about when our children will move out? Were we this anxious to move out? Sure, I remember getting ready to turn 18... wanting to be on my own.. my mom actually co-signed an apartment for me and my hubby (then boyfriend) when I was a few months shy of turning 18. I had a dining set in my bedroom so they knew it was coming... I also know that after I was out on my own a few months, I started to see what everyone was saying.... dont be in a hurry..... Yea at home with mom and dad... you dont like the chores, the necessity to report in and out, having someone say that under this roof...., etc. Well, after being on your own for a few months... You realize those chores.... were peanuts because now you have ALL the work. You realize the reporting in and out... meant that someone cared about you so much that they did everything they could to protect you.... You realize that under someone elses roof.... means that someone else is paying the bills! So, if you are under 18, just 18, or have a few years.... here is my advice: *Do your chores. It is a small task, it helps you to learn work ethic, it helps your parents out TREMENDOUSLY.. even that trash being taken out once a week? It is one less thing that they have to worry about and they know that they are teaching you responsibility. If you dont like it, trust me, you wont like living on your own where it is YOU and no one but you - trash, scrubbing floors, cleaning the carpet, cleaning the toilets.... Yup... all those things and many more glamorous tasks like dishes!! Laundry!! *Let your mom and dad know your whereabouts and your plans. It gives them peace of mind and they can let you enjoy your time away - while they enjoy your time away. Thats right, we enjoy our mommy and daddy alone time too... we had that before there was a you... it is good for you to enjoy time with friends just as much as it is for mom and dad to keep their relationship strong and healthy. *As long as you are living under their roof.... they are paying for the roof, the utilities, the wifi, the cable, the water, the garbage... and you DONT have to!! Want to buy that new DVD... go ahead! You wont starve...Mom and Dad buy the groceries... If they own your home, anytime something breaks, they have to fix it or pay to have it fixed. It is a lot of stress for your parents who are desperately trying to make their way financially to both cover their debts, provide for your college/schooling, in addition to saving money for their ability to retire at a decent age..... and maybe sock away some money for long term care, so that they dont have to listen to you say, while you are under my roof because after you are on your own, the last thing that they want to do is to be a burden on your life taking care of them. So in summary.... be a MOOCH!! Stay with mom and dad for as long as they will let you.... even if they charge you rent.... pay them, unless they are really ripping you off charging 3 times going apartment rent... just know that they raised you, worried about you through high fevers, kept you from scratching your chicken pox to prevent scars, watched you sleep, got up in the middle of the night to comfort you during bad dreams, to rid you of the boogie man, to tuck you in, they fed you, potty trained you, paid many a doctor bills ensuring your health... taking you to get shots when they really didnt want to see you hurt... but they did it because you needed them to be healthy. Why would you want to move in with someone your own age and share costs? Stay with your parents in your cooshie bed - its PAID for!!! And when you leave, leave a note, let them know that you have well thought out plans - they will help you make sure that you didnt miss any important points. And trust me not all the lessons learned the hard way are good experiences... most of them are tattooed in your brain so that you can never forget.... Love your parents even if they are bossy... chances are, they just want what is best for you!! Think about all the things you did growing up... all the broken toys that were fixed, messes made, and who do you think fixed those toys? Cleaned up the messes (you know, like vomit?) Yup, that is right, not Wanda the Fairly God Parent... it was your parents who love you so much... that they clean up your vomit for you... when you move out on your own.... you puke in the garbage, the kitchen floor, the carpet, the sink... its all on you buddy... and you are already sick, so how well do you think that will play out? (Besides, cold medicine is pricey!) Show a little respect for those that raised ya and put up with your grumpy gills, your happy times, even your times of sing the same song over and over and over... and saying rude things about the people in front of you at Wal-mart LOUDLY... and they STILL take you back home... This has been a public service announcement brought to you by Lisa Leslie of Lisa Leslies Thoughts and Life Lessons, and sponsored by ... your bill collectors... they kinda want their money so can you send them a check? :) #billsarentfun #livelaughlove #parents #kids #18yearsold #spongeoffmomanddad #responsibility #itsallgood #emptynest
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:14:30 +0000

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