I am conflicted between taking the ritual seriously, and just - TopicsExpress


I am conflicted between taking the ritual seriously, and just enjoying the moment. Something tells me I can do both simultaneously, but I keep thinking about the following ideas: Perhaps, karma is not a punishment system based on morality, but rather a energy feedback loop. Morality seems to be developed through experience and awareness of the effects one has on their environment. Perhaps the idea of choosing sides goes back to the origins of the control system... From the Bible to Disney; from football to gladiators; from politics to religion; I see the same dualistic dynamic being expressed. Some dear friends of mine think of the idea of being human as doing it on your own with no outside influences. When I inquire further it often seems based on a disassociation with reality in some way, so as to label certain things as wrong or mistakes. A dear brother even expressed the idea to me that Source (prime creator, supreme being) makes mistakes, in that it is wrong for us to have to feed on other life forms in order to survive. That this density and our human minds are a part of a diabolical scheme for some higher dimensional beings to become like gods reigning over their own universe. And I wonder, how could we possibly claim to know any of this when we have a history of so readily expecting the worst in others that we know nothing about. My point is this, yes I am positive that there are higher density beings involved with our current situation, but I see no clear indicators of malevolence, even having channeled with some of the very beings who are blamed for much of the chaos we experience. The truth as I have seen it has been that although these beings are playing certain roles in this divine orchestrated ritual, they are merely (mirrorly) acting as catalysts for the birthing of a new hybrid creator race. These final trials are our right of initiation as galactic citizens. I see it no other way. This calls for excitement, this calls for celebration. And yet, there are those like myself who have remembered our story, and sing a different song. There is another perspective here that I am not getting. I would like to hear what you all think of this. If you are speaking from direct experience, please say so. Is it possible that everything we think we know about entities and higher dimensional beings is wrong? Since our interactions with higher densities is already bound to be filtered through our subconscious rendering processes, wouldnt any amount of fear lead to delusions of betrayal and malevolence? Are we equally as powerful as any other beings in existence? Is love not the fabric that connects all things? And yet, compassion is to do with wanting to prevent the suffering of others. This is something a higher dimensional being may only be able to learn through experiencing lower density (karmic) interactions, thus creating new timelines where the genetic trait known as compassion has been battle tested in the deepest of densities, and integrated from an infinite number of perspectives. This would have a positive impact on the entire universal timeline, thus creating a new universe for us to exist in. A universe with compassion would cancel out ever having the need for compassion, as suffering would become obsolete. This is just an idea. Rhetoric aside, I feel that good and evil can be transcended through realizing that we are all on the same team, and therefor our goal is inevitable. Even is the prime source (supreme being) somehow does make mistakes (highly unlikely due to the nature of infinite and eternal existence.) would they not always work out for the better just like ours do? Perhaps we are directing the flow of this whole thing with our beliefs and actions? Psy family, what is going on? If I find myself surrounded by darkness and chaos, is there a right way to handle it? That seems absurd. Of course, the situations will vary, but what I mean is.. I am getting the feeling that those are the times that are meant to bring us together. I see that certain emotional twists are being fed in to something, but that doesnt make it evil or bad, because I dont know what forms of interdimensional technology are being built from those energies, but why would I assume the worst? Its not fun thinking that anybeing could potentially be trying to steal energy from me, doesnt it seem kind of strange that we would see it that way? Almost responsible for the lack of direct communication between us and them? Why do I feel like we should be interacting with these beings and forming agreements on behalf of our kind, instead of trying to create a reality where they do not exist? I dont want to banish anyone or anything. I believe in the purpose of existence, because I know that we give meaning to existence. So, it is... We are the ones putting this spin on a situation that would otherwise be neutral. I am seeking neutrality. thoughts?
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:58:14 +0000

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