I am debating with myself on whether or not to disable my Facebook - TopicsExpress


I am debating with myself on whether or not to disable my Facebook account. What started out to be a fun way to reconnect with old friends and relations, whom, I never would have got reacquainted with, has become a platform for political garbage and sometimes just total berating of individuals for no logical apparent reasons. I would like to post something positive, it is personal and probably not many will take time to read this. Many people post prepared signs and such about their children, about how they love them, how proud they are of them and such. That is great, but let me tell you about mine. This is not brag, but total documented truth. As most of you know I have three girls, Jennifer Anne, Jamie Beth, and Marian Francis. Things werent always well in the Green household while they were growing up, there were some serious issues that had to be overcome, some were their fault, some were mine. Discipline was meted out when called far, they couldnt wait to leave home...all the normal stuff. I will cut to the chase here. All three of my girls ended up getting married to wonderful young men. All three of my girls ended up getting their college degrees and more. All three of my girls have given me grandchildren. And all three of my girls are very successful in their chosen fields of endeavor. Jennifer is the head person in charge of the maintance department at the largest government research facility in Arkansas. Jamie is in charge of student teacher placement at Southern Arkansas University, and Marian has started her own business that is only three years old and is growing by leaps and bounds. Yes, I am one proud Daddy. All those years of them yelling at me and me yelling at them and me tearing that old ass up when needed didnt hurt them at all...maybe it made them stronger. I Love My Girls. Things in the world are bad enough, sure Facebook is a platform to express yourself, but damn people there has to be some good things going on someplace.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:51:21 +0000

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