I am disappointed (to say the least) at the number of black - TopicsExpress


I am disappointed (to say the least) at the number of black people, African Americans, or Americans for all you Rayven Simons out there for your lack of unity in these situations. Our movement will never work because of you doubters and nay Sayers. In order for the world to listen to us we need the majority to get just as angry as we are. But guess what we cant even unite or agree. We would rather argue with one another about the relevance of a demonstration or condemn the social media protestors or worse make excuses for our oppressors. News flash that stuff doesnt work!! Every bit counts and the way I protest is not less or more than how you protest. At the end of the day we are all fighting for the same cause: to protect our youth from these savages. Flood social media with the truth! March in the streets, write columns and poems, teach these babies to love themselves. Yes the facts are always debatable, yes black on black crime exist but so does white on white, Latino on Latino, women to man. Its ALL WRONG! But, just because these atrocities exist does not give anyone the right to treat my son or any other black man like a wild animal to be hunted and murdered so callously. If you disagree with me I could care less! But dont delete me cuz I want to flood your timeline until you take the blinders off and admit the truth. PS THE RIOTS ARE A DISTRACTION THE MEDIA SHOWS WHAT THEY WANT! Stop harping on that and find a way to get OUR message across. BLACK LIVES MATTER!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 13:05:41 +0000

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