I am home! Thank God for all He as done! I am wonderfully great - TopicsExpress


I am home! Thank God for all He as done! I am wonderfully great full and have grown more in the Lord than ever before. I know this might not seem like me right now, but that hospital stay really had an affect on me. I want to so bad to be funny and I know you guys are expecting that, but Im just not quite there yet. You see, I have no taste buds, I dropped 18 pounds from not eating and the chemo destroyed much of my insides that are in the process of rebuilding, I have no strength or stamina, the shower I so much looked forward to just about knocked me out (I asked Marilee to stay in the bathroom just in case - no falls this time!), and to top it all off, both my feet have swollen and look like clubs! I am understanding now, why the long stay afterwards - God had to help me rebuild my strength as I start to work out and get my endurance and muscle mass back. Heres the biggest and most humbling thing that happened to me. While I was gone, my precious wife Marilee had so much done to the inside of the house. Here I thought she was just going to clean - nooooo, she had new flooring put in the kitchen, and bathroom, new carpet in our bedroom and livingroom/hallway. Tom, Noelle, Mandy and Lyssie helped with furniture arranging, then Dave and Bob Tippey put a new bathroom sink in!! She had bought a purifier for our bedroom for me, had the vents in our house sucked clean. When I walked in my house, I thought I had walked into an HGTV House!! I was so humbled and in shock, I felt like George Bailey, after his wife went asking all his friends for money to bail him out!! I was so blessed, I cried!! Family and Friends are worth more than gold! My Marilee is amazing and worked hard by herself in shuffling all the furniture around and took some outside. She is truly the example of the, Wife of Noble Character found in Proverbs 31!! I love you my Marilee!! I am so honored to be your husband!! God is going to see us through the rest!! For all of you that prayed for us and sent cards - as always I love you! You have truly blessed us, and brought tears to my eyes while at IU. ;) ;)
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:22:47 +0000

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