I am horrified. I thought the use of torture by my fellow - TopicsExpress


I am horrified. I thought the use of torture by my fellow Americans against fellow human beings was bad enough. My heart ached when I learned of it. I thought my government attempting to redefine torture as enhanced interrogation under Bush/Cheney was bad enough. I was angry when I watched as the media let them get away with it, and in some cases joined in the redefinition. I thought it was bad when many members of my nation have screamed about President Obamas supposed unconstitutional attempts at trying to be a dictator over the years. But what horrifies me even more is the twisted reaction by many of my fellow citizens. Citizens of a nation that is supposed to take the rule of law seriously. A nation ruled by a Constitution, yet these same citizens, who have lost their minds over President Obamas unfounded hopes to be an unconstitutional king now have the audacity to excuse and defend the use of torture in our names against human beings. Most of whom the Bush/Cheney regime KNEW were INNOCENT when they authorized the torture anyways. As far as the corporate owned for-profit media is concerned, I am not shocked they are all too willing to defend this insanity. Our media is profit driven and ceased being actual news back in 1996 when they switched to infotainment. So they will sell or say whatever they can, so long as it gets eyes on their channel. I further find it disgusting that so many are willing to berate the Democrats for releasing this information to the world, instead of being revolted by the fact that torture was done in our names in the first damn place. By and large its been right-wing media. I have yet to read/hear of any left leaning media doing the same thing. IF any American is captured by any of our enemies and are tortured. For myself, I will be blaming the Bush/Cheney crime family NOT the Democrats who released this information. We NEVER should have used torture, a procedure that has been known for a couple millennium to NOT work! This nation and her people now know torture has been used. How we ultimately react to it will determine what kind of nation we want to be from this point forward As a nation, we should be appalled. It now becomes a bit more clear as to why Bush/Cheney were so insistent that America or Americans not be subject to the International Criminal Court (ICC) because they knew they were all too willing to break international law and knowingly authorized human rights violations. Its hard to take the moral high ground as a nation when we allow torture to take place in our names. And we may wonder why so many around the world hate us or think so little of America.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 05:02:12 +0000

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