I am in agreement with this! - Terry Black Re: Chris - TopicsExpress


I am in agreement with this! - Terry Black Re: Chris Alexander Member of Parliament, Ajax—Pickering Becoming a Canadian means having all the rights and privileges that Canadians enjoy. To protect those rights and privileges, we must be sure that everyone coming to our country is aware that harmful and violent cultural practices found elsewhere in the world will not be tolerated in Canada. I am proud to say that Canada’s Conservatives are taking action to protect Canadians from barbaric cultural practices such as child, forced, or polygamous marriages and gender-based family violence. We are also taking action to help prevent girls from being removed from Canada to be forced into early marriages. We will not permit these practices within our country, and we will not be complicit in their taking place anywhere else. We will also make it clear that those who engage in polygamy will find themselves subject to removal from Canada. Like early and forced marriages, this practice has no place in Canada. Gender-based family violence will not be tolerated in Canada either. So-called honour killings are not an acceptable practice. We are removing loopholes that have allowed these criminals to reduce their sentence. Those found guilty must be face the full strength of the Canadian judicial system. Our strong stance on these issues have upset some people. Justin Trudeau has disagreed with us on multiple occasions, saying that Canada shouldn’t call things like so-called honour killings barbaric. Our stance is clear: women and girls in Canada deserve the full protection of the Canadian law. When people try to bring these barbaric cultural practices here, our Conservative Government has one response: That’s not Canada. The Zero Tolerance for Barbaric Cultural Practices Act will make that even clearer. Canada is the land of equality and opportunity – the true North, strong and free. And these barbaric practices have no place here. Thank you! Unlike Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Conservatives stand against barbaric cultural practices. Share this page to get the message out:
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 23:21:27 +0000

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