I am leaving foodmax when a guy walks up to me asking me where I - TopicsExpress


I am leaving foodmax when a guy walks up to me asking me where I am from. Thrown off by the question, due to the fact that I was listening to a lecture on Dajjal by Shaykh Ibraham Osi-Efa, I blurt out that I was born in Berkeley, implying that I am American- LOL. Then he asks me this time where I am ethnically from, which to this question I reply India. Then commenting on my wardrobe (Turban, Thobe) he mentions, that I can usually tell where a person is from just by what they are wearing however with you I couldnt tell. Me: Oh thats because this is (my clothing) more Arab ethnically Him: OHH! See I knew it, no wonder I couldnt tell, so tell me why do you wear that? Me: Well I am Muslim, so as a Muslim I try to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) in totality which not only includes his morals, values, and ethics but also the way He ﷺ dressed and looked. Him: Oh I see, so that includes you beard as well right? Me: Yes it does, however, youll see different practices among Muslims, I am slightly more conservative than most. The conversation continues and he asks me about the Sunni and Shia divide after asking which denomination I belonged to. Then we somehow got into talking about other faiths and how I respect them. He was surprised to note that I respect the Jewish faith especially due to the crisis in Palestine with Gaza right now. I responded with that it takes a emotionally mature thought process to learn to differentiate through the horrors of the Terrorist state of Israel which represent Zionism and the Prophetic message and teachings of the Jewish faith (even though it has been tainted over the years). The conversation progressed and incorporated other topics for another 10 minutes. Lesson Taken: What you wear is Dawah. Your appearance will either call people towards Allah ﷻ or away from HIM. May Allah ﷻ guide Him towards the truth. Ameen
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 07:23:31 +0000

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