I am not from the - TopicsExpress


I am not from the past. 吾乃「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身,非來自過去!; I am not from the future. 吾乃「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身,非來自未來!; I am not from the now. 吾乃「如如不動見證觀照明鏡意識虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身,非來自此刻!; I am not timelessly here as what is~~~ 吾乃無始無終超越眼前「三D立體物質全像時空電影」的 unborn Awareness. 不生不滅之「虛空萬有靈明覺知」本身!; ~Mooji *** *** *** Once upon a time is really~~~~^^ 曾經,曾經,曾經有那一時刻是唯一的真實不虛之刻,~~~~^^ Here and Now. 彼即是當下此時此刻, When will you admit that you are the “Infinite”(Brahman;Whole;Shiva)? 然而,曾經,曾經,曾經汝會在 那一個當下(Nowhere)最為強烈接受的 「”我是”(I am)~~~~!;自我界定;自我想像;自我認同」, 汝心才會百分百地接受認同汝即是”無限”(梵;全是;席瓦)本身?; ★ ★★ ☆☆☆ 「Who am I? ;What am I? 」; 自我探究”我真正是誰?我真正是什麼?”, Simply one more unidentified object~~~~. 簡易至易之法門即不認同於, 不染著於任何「無我;無常;如幻」之客體現象經驗。 「一切法無我;一切法無常;一切法如幻!」; *** *** *** Witness & watching identify with the object being observed will make the pain. ~《Yoga Sutras》 Witness & watching closely link up the object being observed will make the trouble. ~《Yoga Sutras》 「見觀觀照與被見證觀照之外物;外法;外境;外人;外象的聯結認同會製造痛苦罣礙!」《瑜珈經》; *** *** *** Nowhere ~~~the dreamer & the dream. 當下~~~這夢境與夢中人! What is “Imagining yourself nowhere”?; 當下汝如何想像汝「真正自己本來面目」?; *** *** *** Nowhere you through “I am~~~!” imagining yourself. 當下汝透過最為強烈接受的 「”我是”(I am)~~~~!;自我界定;自我想像;自我認同」想像汝自己! But what is your “I am~~~!”nowhere? 但究竟什麼是汝之”我是~~~!”呢?; 葛吉夫: Man must strive to not identify internally and to play a role externally. 人們在內心裡面,必須永恒努力地不計著認同於外在所扮演的人格角色。 *** Becomes one with Infinite(Dao;God) , witness and beyond any kind of dream and dreamer. 和汝心內在”無限”(大道;上主)整合為一吧,見證觀照且超越眼前任何一種夢境和夢中人! Becomes one with Spirit( the wisdom & insight of intrinsic light). 和汝心內在的”靈”(上主自性光明)整合為一吧! *** *** *** Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion? 何需在我們彼此「心與心;靈與靈」的交流溝通之間, 掙扎著打開一扇心門, 在我們彼此「心與心;靈與靈」之間的⋯⋯ 當下(Nowhere)最為強烈接受的「計著我相;計著我見」, 而深入眼前「三D立體全像物質電影」之中的 所有心牆俱是一種幻象幻覺,~~~!; ~魯米 Your body is away from me, But there is a window open from my heart to yours. From this window, love the moon, I keep sending news secretly. ~ Rumi 你我身體或許相隔時空,千萬里,千萬世 但是這裡有一個心靈窗口,從吾輩心靈對你開放, 從此窗口中,「過去是;未來是;今是;永是」此愛的月亮, 讓吾輩心靈一直祕密地發送「永恒生命訊息」給你! ~魯米 *** *** *** Telepathy NO Time NO Space NO Distance We are ONE. Heart to Heart. Soul to Soul. Speak without tongue & language,.~~~~!; 心電感應! 時間消融! 空間消融! 距離消融! 我們是一! 以心傳心! 以靈傳靈! 彼此對話卻沒有舌頭和言語~~~!; *** *** ***
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:22:15 +0000

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