I am not really a cat person and probably never will be. Most of - TopicsExpress


I am not really a cat person and probably never will be. Most of the felines I have known were at best aloof and at worst just plain mean. A decade or so past, we took in the cat our neighbors abandoned. Pookie was friendly to a point, but pretty much an outdoor cat. We gave him free run of our basement and let him out every morning to patrol the neighborhood. He kept the mouse population in the stream adjacent to our house to a minimum. We had no clue that he was riddled with cancer until we came home late one night and took him to the emergency vet because he was partially paralyzed. We let him know that we appreciated all he had done for us and had the vet end his suffering. There was no cat in our lives for several years... but, there were more and more mice. We finally decided to adopt a cat from our local shelter because of that. Bozena prescreened the potential adoptees because of my work schedule. When we did go there together, the cats she picked ran and hid. This was more than a bit disheartening. I did notice that there was another room with cats in cages and a closed door... the cat ladies that were there that night talked in circles until I asked if I could go in that space. They let me in, and the one loose cat jumped up and looked out the window and then jumped down and rubbed my leg. I picked him up with one hand and we stared each other in the eye. Within the hour, he was in our home. We ran through countless names until my wife decided on Clark... I suggested Kent... which we agreed upon (Kal-El would be too hard to call him by). Within a week, we never saw another live mouse in our home. We introduced him to our four dogs and raised him as one of them. Three of them adore him... the fourth, not so much... even though Kent loves him. When we have visitors, he charges down the stairs to greet them. We have no children, but when kids in the family visit, he is all over them, and they actually ask if they can take him home. Again, I am not a cat person, but I am guardian to the best cat in the world.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 02:11:13 +0000

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