I am not trying to disrespect anybody or down play their belief, - TopicsExpress


I am not trying to disrespect anybody or down play their belief, but I think religion makes people selfish. I dont see how anybody with a heart can make a noise everyday saying 'God is good, there is proof my god lives, Jesus is the way, Muhammad peace be upon him' when there are more than 20 million Africans who starve to death every year. Its like when people start believing in religion they shut out everybody else. I remember this one guy was bragging that he had survived a car accident so he was making a noise about the greatness of his God. The sad part about it is that his friend was paralyzed for life in the same car accident. Does he not care about his friend? What kind of God blesses some of his children while the others suffer? What kind of sick individual enjoys heaven while there are people burning in hell? These are the questions that Christians and Muslims need to ask themselves. I get sad everytime I see a street kid. I sit up at night researching and reading trying to find ways to end poverty. I am hoping that someday I will do so maybe 20 to 50 years from now no person on the planet will starve to death. I dont believe in religion yet I have that kind of heart. How many Christians and Muslims think like that? Think about it these religions are dividing us and turning us into sick individuals while we think we have good hearts. God tells us not to rely on our own understanding while Satan tells us to use our brains. God tells us women are inferior while Satan tells women to do what they want. The whole bible is twisted. I love you all no matter what religion you belong to. I dont believe anybody is going to hell. If you find yourself judging others and telling them they are going to hell you have failed yourself. Peace I love you all.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 20:23:49 +0000

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