I am pleading in desperation that every one of you stop and pray - TopicsExpress


I am pleading in desperation that every one of you stop and pray for everyone involved in my familys crisis, but especially for Mary, for losing her son. Dont put it on a to do list. Dont scroll down and brush it off. Prayer is important. It is necessary. No details needed. God knows. Lift her up. The world stops spinning. Time stands still. Minutes seem like days. Body numbs. Head aches. Eyes swell. Voices sound like slurred hums. Everything in sight seems to blur together. Wanting nothing but to fall into an oblivion of sleep, never being able to shut off the mind. Ive heard someone say losing someone is like recovering from an amputation. You must heal. You must adjust. You must alter the way you conduct your daily life. Even when it seems impossible, there IS healing. God begs us to look to Him. We want to know why. We want to know how could He let something so tragic happen to the ones we love. But God says that we dont need to know why, only know that He is there and He has a plan. He will use every tragedy for something good. Some good purpose will come from every heart ache, every heart break, every mess we make of life. Whether we see it now, later in life, or after death, is something we do not know. There is nothing, nothing, nothing that happens outside of Gods knowledge... nothing that happens outside of His sovereign will. He knows all. He WILL heal. We need only to accept that healing from Him. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 22:40:22 +0000

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