I am proud of ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!!!! Israeli Goodwill Philippine - TopicsExpress


I am proud of ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!!!! Israeli Goodwill Philippine Ambassador to Israel Generoso D.G. Calonge said his nation is most grateful for the immediate and overwhelming support provided by the Jewish state in the wake of super-typhoon Haiyan, which killed an estimated 10,000 people and left another 800,000 without food, water and shelter. I can’t describe the feeling right now... that my host country cares about our stricken people,t On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent a letter to his counterpart in the Philippines, guaranteeing determined Israeli assistance, both with medical supplies, food, etcv.. On Wednesday, an IDF Home Front Command jumbo jet took off for the Philippines with 148 Israeli doctors, nurses and medics aboard. In all, the Israeli army plans to send 234 medical personnel and enough supplies and equipment to establish a state-of-the-art field hospital. Israeli provided similar assistance to both Haiti and Japan following earthquakes that devastated both of the island nations in 2010 and 2011, respectively. The Home Front Command has soldiers and officers who excel in the fields of search and rescue and highly professional medical doctors experienced in such complex missions, explained IDF Spokesperson Lt. Col. Peter Lerner. Over the years they have been to Japan, Haiti, Ghana, Bulgaria, and Turkey, where they diligently donated from their resources and knowledge to those in need. Israels Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also dispatched a team of rescue and medical experts, as have private Israeli and Jewish humanitarian groups, such as IsraAid. Israel is supporting the Philippines not only in words but also in actions, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor stated on Tuesday. Israeli Ambassador to the Philippines Menashe Bar-On added that the Philippines and the Filipino People are close friends with Israel and the Jewish people. At this moment, our urgent task is to extend help to the Philippin The Israeli hasbara machine is in full gear this week — grinding as hard as Ive ever seen it — to show the world the vast efforts this small Jewish nation is making to help a hurricane-ravaged Philippines back on its feet. And there is certainly no lack of efforts to boast on. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), one of the worlds most powerful militaries — equally strong in medical/trauma relief — just loaded about 150 soldiers and 100 tons of aid onto a 6,000-mile El Al Airlines flight to Manila. The chosen soldiers include doctors, nurses, paramedics, X-ray and laboratory specialists, search-and-rescue experts and more, all specialists in their fields, Tweeted Peter Lerner, head of the IDFs foreign press detail. Theyre not the first IDF personnel to arrive. On Monday morning, according to an IDF live blog on the mission, a lead IDF delegation of experts in the fields of search, rescue and medicine arrived at the site of disaster, to perform a thorough situation assessment, including an infrastructure evaluation, that will determine the best rapid response the IDF can provide. Apparently, that assessment called for the establishment of an IDF field hospital, like the ones the Israeli army has set up in Haiti and along the Israeli-Syrian border. Below, the IDF describes the field hospital slated for the typhoon-stricken city of Tacloban: An advanced multi-department medical facility, equipped with approximately 100 tons of humanitarian and medical supplies from Israel, will be rapidly established in the city of Tacloban to provide medical care for disaster casualties. The facility will be constructed of a children’s department, a women’s department, an ambulatory care department, and a general admission department, operated by IDF doctors, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, mental health professionals, x-ray technician, and lab workers. To keep everyone up to speed, the IDF, famous for its social-media presence, even created a whole new Twitter account: @IDFrescue. The account is spewing fascinating, if dramatic, updates on the mission multiple times per hour. And its Tweeting constant photos of the Israeli aid effort, including this one of soldiers planning the field hospital
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:10:24 +0000

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