I am proud to be serving as a 2014 AKF Emissary to being awareness - TopicsExpress


I am proud to be serving as a 2014 AKF Emissary to being awareness and raise funds to end global poverty! As a #Toxicologist, I am fully aware of the #toxic #health effects and consequences of the lack of #access to clean water. As an Emissary, I am excited that one of AKFs programs involves accessibility to clean water. AKF works to give villages access to clean water and teach them self #sustainability. Did you know that almost 780 million people around the world do NOT have access to clean water? And that almost 4 million people per year die annually from diseases and conditions caused by lack of access to clean water? (Source water .org) I take my access to water for granted. There have only been a few times in my life when I did not have access to water (when doing field research in graduate school). While my lack of access was only temporary (a few hours) I felt a range of emotions from anger, to frustration to guilt for being so spoiled. So today, I am doing my best to pay attention to my water habits. I started by removing the hot water from my shower---a literal attention getter. #freezing I cannot imagine all of my showers being ice cold...but I will be trying to do this for the next 30 days. I consider this a small #sacrifice. Especially since I do not have to walk miles to get a few gallons of water for my family like many people - all I do is turn a knob on my faucet. I will be making a video challenge soon! Also, I will take the challenge a step further be document my #water #conservation efforts as I bring attention to the AKF Foundation and ending global #poverty. Please let me know any ideas that you have water conservation! I will also be posting a link to give you the opportunity to make a donation - 100% of your donation goes directly to programs - not salaries and other operating costs. I will also be asking you to sign up for the #partnershipsinaction #5krunwalk Get your teams together! #drnoreen #thetoxdoc #akf #emissary #endglobalpoverty
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 18:45:32 +0000

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