I am sitting at my spot at my computer wondering where to take us - TopicsExpress


I am sitting at my spot at my computer wondering where to take us into our next adventure. I do want to make sure that I make the point that knowledge can be used for good or evil. The intricate knowledge that a surgeon gains in his training could also be used for ill purposes. Jack the Ripper? By many accounts Jack was a man who had deep knowledge of the human anatomy. Some intimate that Jack was in fact a physician gone mad. Much of the pressure point knowledge which has later became used for harming people was most likely, because of Chinese Physicians. Tai Chi was a favorite pastime of the Chinese cognoscenti for centuries. Original Tai Chi before WWII had a deep and intimate knowledge and usage of pressure point attacks. But, the old Tai Chi Masters were usually superb healers as well. For some, Tai Chi has become just a dance or physical exercise, or general health improver, but in the not so distant past, it was also a superb self defense art and still is when the original knowledge is put back into the art. Chinese physicians depend upon herbal medications first and then manipulations of of the meridian channels by acupuncture or massage next. Herbal medications have a long and illustrious history in China, Japan and in most other parts of Asia. China uses a vast amount of herbals in their healing regimen. Japan uses only about 200 herbals. So there are some difference in the use of herbal medications between countries. Many parts of the Near East also have long histories of using herbal medications. The caravans that carried spices and other sundry delicacies across Asia also created a pathway for the sharing of healing remedies and herbal lore. Some of the herbals used to this day in China were in fact imported from the Near East. Lets never forget that the Native Americans of the United States also had intimate knowledge of herbal remedies. In fact, at least one fourth of modern pharmacopeia is based upon Native American herbals. I plan one day on doing a few articles on the knowledge that I have gained about Native American herbal usage. The United States has many types of Ginseng as an example. The Red Ginseng used in China is in fact a Native American herbal. Red Ginseng was at one time the United States main export crop. Ren Shen (White Ginseng) is the universal herbal remedy when all else fails, but it causes sleep deprivation and so Chinese physicians sometimes administer the Red Ginseng instead, or for other purposes. Now that we have established the fact that herbal concoctions are the primary healing regimen, we can now attempt to learn more about channel/ meridian usage. Meridians? We owe this to the Portuguese. When the Portuguese sailors saw the charts which the Chinese used to show the flow of Chi throughout the body: They thought that the lines looked like meridians on a map. The description has stuck. When Westerners saw that needles were put into the spots listed on the charts acupuncture was coined. Acus is a Greek word for needle. I hope that Ive cleared a little bit of things up this morning. Herbals first when healing and acupuncture and massage next in line. I also want to make it very clear that the Philippines also has a long history of using plants for healing purposes. Snake bites, cuts, childbirth, stomach ailments, etc. all had herbal remedies to help ease these afflictions. As an example my Dad said that soon after a child was born they used to give the child a bitter melon soup concoction to clear the babies stomach soon after birth and then place the mother in a bath of Bayabas leaves. This afternoon we will get into the theory of meridians. Have a great day and God Bless all.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:02:05 +0000

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