I am slowly learning that training for a marathon is hard work, - TopicsExpress


I am slowly learning that training for a marathon is hard work, dedication, and constant commitment. Running has become easier for me but I am finding myself wearing thin now during my runs and I know it is a sign that my body needs more fuel, as I am not eating before hitting the ground each morning. I currently am doing a quick cup of black coffee or Smart water with E & E but NO FOOD. So here is what I should be doing prior to my current runs of under 1 hour: As a runner, I know that food is fuel – and the better the fuel I put into my body, the better the performance my body gives me. What you eat 30 to 60 minutes before a run can dictate your performance; thus, its important to make wise, healthy pre-run food choices. When training for a race, its important to eat before your long runs (those that last more than an hour) and any key workout, such as hill repeats, a tempo run or a track workout. If youre running easy or on a recovery day, you should still have something to eat before you head out. Meghan Reynolds Generally, runners want to base their daily carbohydrate intake on their training intensity and weight. The longer and more intensely you train, the more fuel, such as carbohydrates, youll need. An ideal pre-marathon meal consists of 50 to 75 grams of carbohydrates (depending on the distance and your weight). When training, an ideal pre-run snack or meal consists of 15-30 grams of carbs, is low in fat, low in fiber and works for you. When running easy and for less than an hour, aim for about 15 grams of carbohydrates in your pre-run snack. When running for an hour or longer or doing an intense workout , aim for 30 grams of carbohydrates. Remember, everyone is different and what works for your running buddy or even coach might not work for you. Experiment and figure out which type of food works best for you and fuels your runs. Best pre-run foods, if youre running for under an hour and at an easy effort level: (Grams are carbohydrates.) • Banana: 27 grams (high in carbs, but a great snack anytime) • Half a Clif bar: 20 grams • Peach: 14 grams • English muffin with jelly:13 grams I will plan to implement this fuel plan this week and let you know the results. :)
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:56:04 +0000

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