I am so happy to see the owners of the New York Times and the - TopicsExpress


I am so happy to see the owners of the New York Times and the Washington Post crying in their red ink! Liberals and radicals have always been able to count on these two papers to push their agendas and suppress and distort dialogue with those who think more logically! It was the Post and journalist Bob Woodward who kept flaming the Watergate coverup until it brought down President Nixon who had nothing to do with the break-in activity. Woodward’s last book which discussed the corruption flowing from Obama himself and his administration was not so well received and the same Washington Post gave Woodward’s findings a cold shoulder reception! I grew up in Washington, D.C and so all my life have been exposed to the Post’s consistent one-sided bias while other past city papers, the Washington Daily News that I distributed as a paperboy and the Washington Evening Star did not have the advertizing dollars to remain competitive. The Washington Times has hung in there and is an excellent alternative to the Post but its circulation also is far below the Post. Liberals are praising Amazon owner Jeff Bezos as a genius in the marketplace for his purchase of the Post for a pittance of its previous worth and are predicting its soon return to economic solvency! The problem with the Post for as long as I could remember is that it insults 50% of the local market with its constant liberal bias and unless Bezos alters that callousness toward readers, nothing will change. His success with Amazon can be credited to offering product sales to all comers with no political intent and with everyone being treated with quick, fair service. We shall see what success Jeff has if he changes the papers’ liberal agenda which to do so requires philosophical adjustment and even cuts to the liberal journalist staff. With Don Graham remaining as Editor, it is very unlikely that the paper can redefine its emphasis to be equally fair to conservatives as with liberals! A problem facing all printed publications is the impact of the internet which can provide everything a paper subscription does but for free. My favorite online news source is thedrudgereport which is a conservative enterprise but on its site provides availability of links to both conservative and liberal newspapers and columnists. I often access The Jerusalem Post to learn the local news from the Holy Land. So rather than spending money supporting papers with a liberal agenda, the internet is my source for news reports and if I am in the car I listen to Talk Radio commentators. Early in his administration, Barack Obama knew that his favorite liberal publications were losing readers as conservative voices like Fox News and Talk Radio thrived. He even suggested bailing out with our tax dollars his liberal news buddies that were losing money and readers. After the 2010 election shellacking the Democrats received, Obama knew the written bias would no longer be sufficient to influence elections so his community organizer instincts kicked in. The question as to why the Tea Party voice was nearly muted in 2012 is now coming to light as more of the Obama administrations scandalous actions are uncovered! The IRS, The NSA, The DOJ, The FBI, The SEC and now the FEC, Federal Election Committee activities are being investigated for targeting the Tea Party’s, Conservative Organizations, even religious ministries defending traditional family values were all investigated, audited, denied request for usual tax-exempt status! You embroil opposition to your reelection campaign by using government agencies to influence the election by taxing your opponents resources during a presidential election cycle! This is corruption at its basest level and Obama dismisses his illegal practices as ‘phony scandals’ and stonewalls the Congressional investigations even hiding witness to keep them from testifying. Obviously, this is not the America that saved the world from the Nazi almost 70 years ago. It remains to be seen how the biased news gets protection from the government and if the impeachable offenses being perpetrated in the highest office of our Nation will end! I do know that there is a God who sets up nations and dissolves them as he pleases and the farther we move away from trusting in that God, the closer we come to a Divine judgment or worse Divine destruction! May God awaken Americans to again realized how blessed we are under Our Constitution and the Bible!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 04:11:01 +0000

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