I am so pleased you chose to stop and read my post. Its an honor - TopicsExpress


I am so pleased you chose to stop and read my post. Its an honor that you do, you know. When I was little we were poor, but as I say, we didnt know better, so it was ok. But back in my youth there was one thing that always was expected in a southern household. If guests were in the home, you always offered them a seat and food and drink. My meme said it was biblical in nature because Christ said to offer food and drink, lest we turn someone who may be an angel in need away. Take about something to think about! Thats how I feel about what I write here. I want to offer you a drink to lift your mind and spirit or a word that you may smile or giggle over, or for that matter it may not set so well and you have to really think about it to decide what you think about it. You may question me or applaud my idea or just say hush up! But you are thinking. I challenge you to do that too....to lessen you lists of griping and complaining ( oh there are so many of those) or to try to challenge yourself to write about happiness or ponderings, or just the amazing things in life. Some folks dont like to talk, but they still make you smile, like my husbands pictures of our animals....especially that rascal squirrel who loves to have has picture taken! The point is your life is full of good things. Post about them. Brag on your neighbor. Show appreciation. Praise The Lord. But share the good. Youll be surprised at how many folks will read it. And as for me, I hope your day is a beautiful one!
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 13:15:06 +0000

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