I am so sadd becuz everyones divided because of Politics it really - TopicsExpress


I am so sadd becuz everyones divided because of Politics it really isnt religion if you look at it, everything starting in world war 1 and WW2 was because of politcs , hitler shitler Lanatullah on him , harmed the poor jews because of the econimic problem n germany and it wasnt even the jews fault at all , he just wanted to punish a smart minority and it looked believable to the rest ,, and if you see in Paliestine Jews Muslims n Christans were cool until the brittish started dividing Palistine into two states and seperating Muslim neighborhoods away from Jewish ones and then more jews arrived from germany after the holocoust and creatied the state and they started getting hostile twords the arabs so they can get the land, and if you look at India , 1947 , Sikhs Hindus Muslims Parsis Christans all got along never had any problems until once again the brittish empire got involved and no more united india , india would be divided in the partition and this got sikhs muslims n hindus to kill eachother and set the citys on fire , the world was at peace until a Plague called Zionism and the brittish empire were at seiz
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 04:43:28 +0000

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