I am so sick of people accusing the government or ‘the British - TopicsExpress


I am so sick of people accusing the government or ‘the British public’ for everyone else’s problems Yes there are wars going on all over the world and people losing their lives at the hand of another. For religion, for rights, for territory, for the sheer pleasure of it. Yes there are people starving all over the world, dying from diseases, from exhaustion, from lack of water. Yes there is a huge problem with obesity in this country, especially in children and young people. Why can’t people take some god damn responsibility for their own actions! There are millions of people in Asia living in poverty, starving to death, dying from diseases that have been wiped out in the developed world. Yet the “elite” who live in mansions, drive Bentley’s, have servants, don’t pay taxes, don’t give to the poor and stand idly by while their own suffer and die… Yet somehow it’s the British governments’ responsibility to find millions of pounds from a struggling country to send aid to the masses. Why are we expected to help so much when their own help so little? I’m not saying we shouldnt help, I’m saying help is right next door in their gated communities and refuses to acknowledge the problem! Now for the British public.. Stop campaigning to have fast food adverts taken off television, stop blaming teachers for your children not learning to tie their shoes, dress themselves or use the toilet by themselves, stop protesting against sugary drinks and sweets being sold in shops. How about you take some time out of scrolling through Facebook, watching the latest episode of Jeremy Kyle or popping to the dole office to collect your welfare and actually spend some time with your OWN children! It is not the responsibility of teacher and other school staff to teach your children basic skills! If your 4 year old can’t button their own trousers or still has to use nappies because you haven’t bothered to potty train them that’s your failure as a parent, not the schools. How about instead of complaining about all the fast food adverts you actually act like a parent and just tell your child ‘No’ No you can’t have a BigMac, Ive cooked a real meal at home, like a real parent Stop blaming THEM for YOUR shortcomings!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 13:20:31 +0000

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