I am staying for you, Anwar tells Malaysians BY JOSEPH - TopicsExpress


I am staying for you, Anwar tells Malaysians BY JOSEPH SIPALAN KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 27 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim declared today that he is staying put on home soil to set an example for Malaysia’s youth, despite facing the prospect of being sent back to jail on a sodomy conviction. Speaking to the media one day before his court case resumes at the Federal Court, Anwar said he chose to face the possibility of incarceration as he could not, in good conscience, speak of reform if he were to do so from afar. “If the issue is purely a personal agenda, then I can still remain outside and set up arrangements, including the possibility of a government in exile, which had been discussed and I was strongly urged to do so,” he said at a news conference after chairing a Pakatan Rakyat Presidential Council meeting. “But this is my village, my country. I cannot imagine, at this age, leaving... but more pertinent is my desire to set a good example to Malaysians, particularly the young. “Because I do not know how else to explain to the young... that Uncle Anwar had a choice to leave the country and live comfortably… although continue with the struggle… when all his children have to endure the ignominy of authoritarian rule,” he said. The Federal Court is set to hear tomorrow Anwar’s challenge of the Court of Appeal’s decision to overturn a lower court’s decision to acquit him of sodomy. The High Court had in 2012 acquitted Anwar of a 2008 sodomy charge — his second since 1998 — but the appellate court ruled on March 7 this year that the lower court’s trial judge had erred when rejecting the DNA evidence produced in the case. Anwar today insisted that the issue that should take centre stage is the need for the country to transform itself as a vibrant democracy that upholds equality and justice, and not about him or PRs push for him to become prime minister. He stressed that he is not the only person facing possible jail time, with dozens from the ranks of political leaders, academics and activists having been hauled up over the past year under various laws, particularly the Sedition Act 1948. If the trend goes that Im going to prison on Wednesday, they will all follow. Its just a matter of time, so it is important that we undertake reform at this stage and create awareness, the former deputy prime minister said. Training his sights on the University of Malayas (UM) administration, Anwar said their refusal to allow him to speak at an event organised by the varsitys student union later tonight is a clear example why there is a pressing need for reform in the country. UM Vice-Chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Rohana Yusof had earlier issued a warning to the University Malaya Undergraduates Association against proceeding with the event, though the association said it will press on with its plans. Look at UMs position. Its appalling. You create a national catastrophe just because of a lecture. Not only that, you have academicians (sic), the so-called professors and deans talking like Umno branch chiefs in the village... no respect for academic freedom, no respect for students programmes or activities. I will attend the UM function as scheduled at 9pm, because I was invited by the UM students union, which is a legitimate body representing students in the university, said Anwar, who is a UM alumnus. Asked if he was prepared to face a five-year prison sentence should he fail to overturn his conviction, the Permatang Pauh MP said it has been a very difficult decision for him and his family, especially since they have been subjected to his continued persecution for the past 16 years since his first sodomy charge surfaced in 1998. Its a tough choice... imagine at my age having to go back to prison, and I know what prison conditions are like. They can lie as they lied before, (about) special treatment, but the conditions of solitary confinement... no radio, no TV, no newspapers, no meetings, nothing except with family members for half an hour initially once a month, and on good behaviour, much later once a week. You get books probably once a week, then you have to appeal and appeal (for more books). You can finish a book a day, you have all the time in the world... but Im still optimistic. Dont be surprised, Ill be a free man on Wednesday, he said with a grin. If Anwar fails to reverse his five-year imprisonment sentence and conviction in the Federal Court tomorrow, the Permatang Pauh MP would lose his seat as the law bars anyone fined RM2,000 or imprisoned for one year from serving as a lawmaker. The former deputy prime minister has been going on his own campaign since last Tuesday to drum up support and is expected to cap it off with a solidarity gathering tonight.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:43:37 +0000

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