I am to give you a comparison of ideas, one to me no crazier than - TopicsExpress


I am to give you a comparison of ideas, one to me no crazier than the other, yet keep in mind Fundamental believers have called me a heretic, a false teacher, and if have been told that even satan can quote scripture. In order to make this comparison I will take you back to 1997 when a man named Marshall Applewhite the son of Presbyterian minister convinced a group of his followers to commit mass suicide in order to receive new bodies from extraterrestrials. Now much of Applewhites beliefs bear a reformed Christian concept of election the other most likely from eschatology. Now Marshall and his followers believed the ancient astronaut hypothesis. And in short they were returning with the comet (Hale Bopp) to receive new bodies. Now before we start casting our stones at these people lets understand this is a typical example of brainwashing by convincing people to believe in the intangible. This idea of returning and being whisked away was developed around the 1830s by a man named John Darby. It is commonly known as the rapture, and to the surprise of many was not a concept taught by the early church. The early church did teach the return of Jesus because they felt he was the messiah and knew there were many prophecies that were not fulfilled in Jesus natural life. (A subject most dont or will not accept, but that is for a different thread). Nonetheless there is very little difference in believing the return of a spaceship, or a man in the clouds coming. Yet one we criticize, as we should, but the other we are condemned for questioning. Why? Well, one is accepted as an eschatological truth, albeit unprovable, and in being unprovable allows many to be controlled, manipulated and profited from. There is big money to be made in the fear that resides in others. People really like these big charts and scholars who seem to do all the work for them, and they will pay big money not to have to research it for themselves. In short people trust preachers, the Moses like figure that goes up the mountain instead of the god given son that lives within. Why am I so hard on these people? Well the answer is what god gives is a gift, it cost you nothing. You can climb the mountain in meditation and receive all you seek. Dont be fooled by those selling intangibles. They will leave you in desolation, believing lies, coming in his name deceiving many, and emptying your pockets. There is nothing that says give them your money (10%) in the scripture, god would rather you give your money to the needy, not the building fund. This will be a jagged pill for many, but will be the message to release those who have an ear. A messiah that has to return because his first work was a failure is no messiah at all. A comforter that brings to remembrance is the teacher that dwells within. You are kings and priest, in the old covenant kings were considered messiahs. And priesthood came from the genealogy of the fathers. You are messiahs to the world, and you are priest because you are from your Heavenly Father. Take the message of the kingdom to the four corners of the earth, then shall the end come, the message that their father has placed everything they need within them and when they come to themselves they will return home where they belong. Awakened, revived, resurrected, restored, a risen creation replenishing both themselves and the earth.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 15:40:29 +0000

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