I am working on my detachment skills. Have been for quite some - TopicsExpress


I am working on my detachment skills. Have been for quite some time. That means I remove myself from people or situations that I feel are detrimental to my well being or happiness. So here is what it means in my own words. Its being in the middle emotionally...neither nice or not so nice. I dont judge or condemn those who have hurt me. I am merely severing my ties with those who make me feel worn out, or that they drain my energy just being around them. It may not mean an actual physical separation, but in some cases it does. This way I wont suffer because of the actions of others. I will not be any longer used or abused by anyone. I will not enable people if they are perfectly capable of helping themselves and even if they are not, they will have to learn how on their own. I wont cover up any longer for anothers mistakes or misdeeds and may even call a few people out for how they have made me feel, without creating a crisis. But I wont prevent a crisis if its the natural course of events or has to happen either. I am focusing on me, and Collen because that is the only way my well-being will improve. Others who wish to do whatever it is they do can suffer the consequences of their own actions and Ill suffer the consequences of mine. What another family member or friend or ex friend of mine says or does no longer matters to me or affects me. If they want to say things about me, throw dirt in my general direction or otherwise call me out for things that never happened, fine. Let them get it out of their systems. No skin off my nose....the ball is in my court.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 23:38:54 +0000

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