I ask all of you to share this around so we can help this woman. I - TopicsExpress


I ask all of you to share this around so we can help this woman. I know her personally & the more attention it gets, the faster we can help. Here it is: It is very sad to realize that people stopped being people and have stopped understanding the pain of others. I, by no means, want you to pity me. I just want to understand myself better. I know that it is difficult to understand all stories until it touches you personally. The point of my entire story is for someone to ask one question…..so in order for a better perception I wanted to reveal my story in a way so that in this story the reader (you) are the main hero and then everything will fall into place. What is war!? It is a scary memory. It’s a blockade to everything; there is no light, no warmth; no water; no food. People gather water from lakes, from the leftover water after a rainfall, from snow. In the plaza close to your house is the closest place where you can get water; rain water usually gathers in the craters left after a bombing. You are happy to gather this water to make some time or simply not to die. And so you, after gathering 5-6 people, run to this water filled crater but they start shooting at you from both sides. People fall dead on both sides of you and others turn themselves inside out in pain and die, and you keep running and think how you can possibly get back and stay alive since at home you have helpless loved ones who are thirsty. Do you know what is hunger? It’s when out of hunger people start eating the dead animals they found on the streets. For food people would do anything! So you finally come home and at home Russian troops have killed your relatives first by slashing their throats and then shooting them. You and your husband escape in order to hide from this war but this doesn’t even save you …. Airplanes fly above your head endlessly releasing bombs. Russian soldiers enter the cities and villages and shoot everyone without hesitation or investigation. In front of your eyes they rip open pregnant women’s bellies and burn the children. Mothers have to see their children being abused and get their heads cut off. Pregnant women are tied to armored transports and ripped into two pieces. After all of this horror in front of you, you know that you are pregnant with your third child. You run holding your son in your arms (your belly holds your other baby), and your husband is holding your daughter. You run with all your strength to save yourself and your family. You hear a bomb go off. You turn around and you see your husband lying on the ground. Your little daughter is crawling on top of him smeared in blood and alone. You take your pregnant self and grab your husband and your children and drag him to the side and hide your children from the shooting and the bombing so that their lives can be saved. You don’t lose hope that your husband’s life can be saved but you realize you can’t save him because he is already dead. And so you are alone. You don’t have anyone but your two kids and one on the way. You decide to run to the neighboring town. There you get abused and beaten up. There you can’t hide your nationality. The police enter your house and throw gas grenades and you and your children are gasping for air. Then they beat you and your children up with their rifles simply because you are Chechen. You cannot escape this hell. You cannot go anywhere since no one will place a pregnant woman on an airplane. You also cannot give birth safely since no hospital will admit you and once again you are left alone. You are thrown by the police in a holding cell with three criminals who rape you. Then they put you on your stomach against cold concrete and tie up your hands and feet in your back. Then they put you face to the wall and throw knives at your back for fun. Then they cut your fingers and skin hangs off like strings. Then they sharpen knives on the pillow parts of your fingers thereby slowly tearing the skin off. Then they pierce your nipple with a big and dull needle. But you are ready to endure all of this just so they don’t touch your children and don’t hurt them. You then get beaten up with such force that you start bleeding from your ears. So yes you manage to escape all that horror, take your children and come to Canada. In Canada they immediately recognize your refugee status and give you an opportunity for a new life. In your heart and soul there was so much joy that you couldn’t stop crying. You went though a tough path but you remained a human being and wanted to see the light in all dark things. You meet a person who you love. When you love someone you don’t see their nationality or colour or what language he speaks!? You simply love the other person. Don’t you have the right to simply love another? Of course it was unfortunate that you were born in a place like Chechnya and that you were born Chechen. You ask why? The answer is simple …Arabic Muslims are nothing compared to Chechen Muslims. I want to explain to you the reasons why Chechen Muslims kill women. 1) wearing of pants 2) wearing makeup 3) men can’t touch women; if they do then they have to marry them or otherwise the women gets killed since she is a fallen woman 4) if a man divorces a woman, she gets thrown out into the streets and her kids get taken away; her parents have no power to take her back 5) a brother can kill his sister simply because someone said a bad rumor about her 6) lately if as a woman, you happen to marry a man who is not of your Muslim faith, then you and him will get killed. The above examples are not exhaustive of all the situations for which Chechen Muslims kill women. So it is very difficult, after having endured all of this to find inner strength and faith and to believe that you will finally live a happy life. And so you are in Canada. Canada is a country that prides itself on understanding and family. In 2003, you are given refugee status. In 2004 you get married. In 2006, your file gets transferred to Scarborough. You go through all types of interviews and investigations and in the end? In 2007, an officer calls you from the Scarborough immigration office with a question which you answer. You ask the officer: HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WAIT? The officer’s answer shocks the ground from underneath you..”AS SOON AS YOU GET A DIVORCE YOU WILL GET YOUR PR STATUS” I am not going to recount how many other negative experiences we have had to go through after that phone call at the hands of CIC…. Then in 2010 in May you once again get invited to an interview where you are held from 10 am until the closing time of the office. At the interview you are degraded, the officer tells you that it would be better for your story if your daughter died along with your first husband. The officer doesn’t even give you an opportunity during the entire day to feed your children. After which you can’t take it anymore and you burst and tell the officer exactly what you think about her behavior. Isn’t this a fair reaction when you hear such words being spoken to you? The next day the manager from the CIC office calls you and further threatens you that they will call the police on you. You tell the manager that he was present during the entire interview and he himself saw the behavior of his employee officer and you tell him that you will tell the police to get the video from his office showing the entire interview and this will prove that the CIC officer was abusive. The manager doesn’t expect to hear this from you and abruptly hangs up the phone. You continuously tell CIC that they are prolonging the processing of your application without any justification. But they could care less. I regret not requesting and using the video from this interview. After the interview I immediately started writing letters to everyone I could think of including all of our Ministers. And so what in the end … Everything that that CIC officer threatened with is happening and continues to happen to the present day. Further, CIC is now offering to separate your children from your application; essentially they offer to separate you from what is most dear to you in this world. On top of all of this you have a new husband who is young and healthy. He wants to have his own kids with you as well. However, you can’t do this because if your kids are born citizens and you are not then they could be taken away from you. I came to this country in hopes. This is a country that boasts about family values and family reunification. However at the same time this country encourages me to separate my family. So what does one do in this situation? Of course ….you try to turn to any organization that will listen to you and your story but everywhere there is no response. It seems as if there is no one out there that cares and no one wants to know about you….however you don’t understand why you deserve such treatment? Now I have a question: how do you feel in my skin? What would you do if you were me? I know only one thing….I am happy that despite all of my hardships I have remained a human being. I take joy in one thing that all of my hardships do not make me weak and this is very important. Thank you for your attention and understanding.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:24:25 +0000

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