I attended a training for Green Party candidates at the Mercury - TopicsExpress


I attended a training for Green Party candidates at the Mercury Cafe yesterday and it was wonderful with one large problem, which I write about at the end of this summary. The Green Party Training session had the two state CoChairs provide modeling of excellent speaking skills and Bill Bartlet recommended attendance to the toast masters. Chris Allen went over the foundational Green Party Ten Key Values, stating that they are a way of life and include Social Justice, Grass Roots Democracy, Non-violent conflict Resolution, Respect for our environment and more, which can be found on the Green Party of Colorado website. They provided directions about government required forms and deadlines, financial records, and Green Party requirements. information about how to alert the public of campaigns without the big bribe money that is donated by corporations with the expectations of favors and how the Green Party does not accept cooperate donations or funding. Roya welcomed everyone, presented information, and introduced speakers. We had a number of candidates, Harry Hempy is the Green Party candidate for Governor, Gary Swing and another well informed Green member are going to be running for office, I will put more information in tomorrow when the sun comes up; although I am going to watch my daughter run a half marathon and pick up my mom from the airport. Another Green member attended the meeting who provided some very important information about how responsible, but economically hurting people are being evicted from their homes unjustly. I hope to connect more with Janet Matzen on this subject; but it was exciting to meet up with her. i was thrilled to see a couple of my informed female friends at the meeting. I loved seeing the males too of course, but I am a married woman and it is nice to have friendships with like minded women. These women are truly caring as they attend events that take a little effort, of course the men are caring too. When it is daylight tomorrow I will include the outline and more details about the excellent information that was covered. After we learned important campaign information we had a presentation from a few people who were with the Health Care For All Colorado. I truly appreciated all they had to say, especially as they explained the difference between their organization as opposed to others. However I was extremely disappointed that they came in endorsing or supporting the movie Sicko, which has Michael Moore spouting Propaganda about how the men in Guantanamo Cuba have better care then those in the US despite they have been tortured to DEATH, had larger tubes then necessary stuffed down their throats as punishment for fasting while they are cleared to leave the Concentration Camp, but locked away for decades from their wives, children and loved ones; not to mention they have had sores infected not taken care of and then had their arms and legs amputated. The woman who spoke mentioned the Cubans healthcare, but in the Sicko movie they do not discuss the Cuban population, they are talking about the USs Concentration Camp in Cuba, which the Cuban government and its population have no control over and would never want to be responsible for such a program of terror. i dont think the director of Sicko, Michael Moore. Who is the cousin of George Bush (as he states in interview on democracynow.org) will ever apologize for this propaganda message in the movie that does contain other important truths, but I hope that Donna with the Health Care for All Colorado will apologize because it is not alright to imbed lies with truth and important truths as well as extremely harmful lies. I wanted to bring this up at the meeting, but there were so many questions and not a lot of time; so I apologize for not bring it up then.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Mar 2014 11:32:35 +0000

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