I begin this day with hope, determination, and the prayer of the - TopicsExpress


I begin this day with hope, determination, and the prayer of the favor of God to accompany me in the court room this morning as I seek full physical custody of my son. He has been living with me the majority of the time as his mother & I shared physical custody / joint legal custody. Within the months she has severely faltered on her end of this agreement (chose to treat me like the permanent babysitter instead of his father) and has had to rely on staying with others whereas I own the home in which I live. I have a stable environment for my son and provide for his well being adequately yet my presence in his life never seems to be appreciated. I pray that the courts will make it official for my son to live with all the time from this point on. I have nothing against his mother (my ex-wife) but in all that has happened within the years, I expect her to be much more responsible in nature. I love my son unconditionally and will do the very best that I can for his sake. She & I should hold each other fully accountable when either of us is not adhering to his needs or his best interest. Some may think this is extreme of me and some may say why share your business here on facebook. My answer because there are men out here who love their children enough to do whatever it takes to be a father. I read the dead beat dad post often but no one seems to talk about when the mother doesnt live up to her role. Locally many can speak on what they think they know (how abusive I was supposed to be or otherwise yet she can always seem to turn to me when in need and have no regard for me the next minute). However its time for the revelation of truth. For all who have shown me love and continue to do so, I truly appreciate you. I love you and May God Bless You & Yours.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 09:25:33 +0000

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