I believe in good people. Not the ones who say they are good. They - TopicsExpress


I believe in good people. Not the ones who say they are good. They ones who DO good. Saying is with the lips. Doing is with the heart. If God is love and Christ says if you have seen me you have seen the Father, then those who do the will of Christ (love) have fulfilled the law because they believe in love. And they know Christ. His version, not our lippy version. I love people who love people. Who help people, who feed the hungry, who clothe the naked, who comfort the hurting. Christ says noone can come to the Father except thru me: but who is he? he is alive working g through us to feed, clothe, give hope, and LISTEN TO THE SOULS PLEAS. If you have no interest in this you are condemned and will burn with the chaff. Sorry to be so blunt. He will say, depart from me...I NEVER knew you For God sake... Help!!! Do...show that your fake faith can be converted. Or burn. Thats your choice.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:33:09 +0000

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