I believe people can change . I believe some do for the better and - TopicsExpress


I believe people can change . I believe some do for the better and some do for the worse . They say history repeats itself this is a concept Ive become all too familiar with. Like lets say perhaps you met someone through social media you instantly find attractive and for some reason through your conversations you feel a comfort when you speak like youve known them forever. This is very possible because rarely do relationships start out face to face anymore its usually keyboard to keyboard .If the reason you connect is your ability to sympathize with there issues at home. STOP WRITING THEM.. If they are married and it seems the only conversations your having are about him or her 24/7 and you find yourself wanting them even though you know its wrong.. Walk Away....Let me tell you what happens if you do take the next step. why happens is they leave their partner and in walks you the shiny new toy...and it may last 6 months it may last 6 years but at some point when the get sick of you and remember hey there is a ton of more guys or girls that will listen to my issues ill just find someone else to give me attention.. all the sudden your problems are the problems being shared with another man or woman . and you are now in the shoes of the idiot getting played... its a vicious never ending cycle of attention whores.. i stand by this quote ALL SOCIAL MEDIA KILLS SLOWLY....
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 00:15:41 +0000

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