I believe the most powerful reason we have trouble creating jobs - TopicsExpress


I believe the most powerful reason we have trouble creating jobs with good pay is that we have an economic system that demands bigness. Big Business really does do many things, like cut down expenses, and trim its workforces, very efficiently. The object of Big Business, as opposed to smaller businesses, is to generate maximum profit--however that may be accomplished. Big Business operates extra-nationally, and it has no loyalties, except to itself. It looks to tamp down, if not outright crush, all potential and actual opposition to its profit-making. It often does so by influencing governments and by buying out the smaller competitors, and by, whenever the laws permit, buying out businesses related to its own line of endeavor. (WalMart is famous/infamous for this strategy--invented by the robber-barons that Theodore Roosevelt so reviled.) The net effect for jobs-seekers is a watered-down employment prospect. The jobs that are created tend to be less and less skilled jobs that pay well, and more and more direct-service jobs (that is, jobs that can only be done locally, like fast-food and cleaning). Even the higher-paying direct-service jobs are drying up--largely because fewer people are able to pay such skilled workers (so they are doing without such services--like automobile maintenance and home maintenance--or for themselves as much as they are able). The only sector of moderate-paying skilled labor in which we are that we are seeing significant growth is the health-care industry. blogs.reuters/macroscope/2014/01/24/why-are-us-corporate-profits-so-high-because-wages-are-so-low/
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 09:44:42 +0000

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