I believe there are infinite ways one can live out the human - TopicsExpress


I believe there are infinite ways one can live out the human experience! Because we are all eternal souls, extensions of Source / The Universe / God who is THE CREATOR OF ALL THERE IS.....DONT ASK ME WHY OR EXACTLY HOW BUT IT/...OR HE/SHE/GOD! THERE ARE FEMININE ENERGIES AND MASCULINE ENERGIES, HENCE....THE YIN & YANG! THE FEMININE ENERGIES ARE KNOWN FOR BEING LOVING , NURTURING, COMPASSIONATE, KIND, TOLERANT, FORGIVING, UNDERSTANDING.......an understanding that were ALL here to live out a certain and semi specific life path that can be altered and manipulated at WILL, FREE WILL THAT IS, which was giving to US from our Creator, The Universe / God / Unconditional, and our minds, thoughts, words, and actions govern and shape out realities! Because the masculine energy has been reigning for thousands of years, there has been nothing but, separation, segregation, hatred, judging, competion, selfishness, which has created what the world has become.. There must be a change in consciousness, a realization that there are feminine energies in us that must be awakened in all of us if we want to survive as a human race! As a species who HAD IT ALL ON EARTH, A FREE WILL TO CHOOSE BETWEEN THE TWO. ... to Judge and condemn or Love and uplift! Im pretty sure weve all experienced these types of emotions and know what brings them out and when you realize that it feels good to focus on yourself and what makes YOU happy, as long as youre doing what feels good to you and youre not doing no harm, ... you are having an awesome human experience. ....now youre free to create the life of your dreams..... There will come a time where Love becomes a sweet surrender! A let go of ALL the negativity in ones path and a raising in ones consciousness where the acceptance of ONENESS will be the norm and a balance of both energies will be necessary as a human race, the yin and yang! Theres a yin and and yang in all of us and right in between is what I call staying positive! Its a balance of the two in our lives.....but youve got to learn to stay positive my friends, cause negativitys not a choice! :-) ♥ Positive Man ♥ WINNING FOR HUMANITY! :-) ♥ Stay Positive My Friends, cause negativitys not a choice! :-) ♥ And neither is fear! ;-)♥
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 00:18:31 +0000

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