I can hear the Sheeple of the United States ...I mean United - TopicsExpress


I can hear the Sheeple of the United States ...I mean United police State begging to be kept safe, surrendering any and all of whats left of their PRIVATE communications via phone, text and e-mail via smart phones... as if no one in law enforcement or government would ever use such information, manipulate such access to control every aspect of free speech, political power, economic and other forms of extortion...LMAO.. I look forward to seeing the outcome and what the stooges verdict will be in DC. Reminder: if you want to live in a Nanny state their are lots of countries that will watch, guide and dictate your every move in exchange for your obedience and surrender of Freedoms they will keep your pansy asses safe I would ask, however, that you move to them and leave whats left of what was suppose to be a truly FREE and privacy upholding country to all of us that realize that there is NO such thing as safety in any TRULY FREE SOCIETY Id gladly be killed, maimed or blown up by some nut job than to live like a pet for an Oligarchy government with the illusion of safety because guess what sheeple...monitoring smart phones will do little to little nothing to stop terrorists, the nut job from fileting 10 people at McDonalds with a knife or any number of crimes. So Ill say it again for the 10,000th time to quote/paraphrase a founding father..Those who would surrender their freedom and liberty for temporary security deserve neither
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:46:12 +0000

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