I cannot believe today has happened! So I wake up in Paris to - TopicsExpress


I cannot believe today has happened! So I wake up in Paris to have a bad argument at a congress event, I leave to catch the EuroStar to London and see the date is wrong so need to pay another £100 to change it, to which its full so get told i have to sit in the cargo area, then there is a bomb threat so the building had to be evacuated, after long delays we are allowed to board, during the stampede my bag gets knocked and my things fall out. I think nothing of it and collect what I see. I spend the next few hours Sat amongst cargo crying about my previous argument and my horrific few days, I shake it off man up and get to London. Just before we arrive I realise all my rail tickets are missing, I spent £120 on one and £270 on another. Shit! I arrive at Pancras and ask what to do, they say walk to Euston and ask there as my train departs here anyway. I arrive and ALL trains are delayed or cancelled. This doesnt phase me as I need to sort my tickets out to know whether I have a train. The guys says no we cannot help at all, we dont issue out tickets not even for lost or stolen cards. I ask to speak to the manager and that was it... Floods of tears streaming and my day felt officially the worst in a long time. They have now sorted but Im still in London, I have just boarded my train and am on my way to Stoke. I have no money for a taxi though, so if anyone can pick me up Id be there Friend forever otherwise I can get dropped off at a cash point first. Definitely had better days thats for sure! Xxxx
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:51:51 +0000

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