I cannot express how difficult it was to stay awake while waiting - TopicsExpress


I cannot express how difficult it was to stay awake while waiting at the clinic. I havent had more than 1-3 hours of sleep at a time in about 2 weeks. Anyways...the quick strep swab came back negative. When I heard this, I pointed at my throat and mouthed Then what the heck is this?! The Dr looked in my mouth and sat back with a shocked Oh! Then he grabbed a tongue depressor for a better look....and finally gathered himself enough to tell us that I have thrush, and its baaaaaad. Mr Man says I really, really took the guy by surprise. Dr said Do Not Get Bronchitis, because that will land my butt in the hospital for sure. The medicine to treat bronchitis would cause the thrush to spread throughout my entire body. The fact that I am still recovering from the flu doesnt help. He said Take Care Of Myself, because this can get super bad, super fast. In the end, he worked some numbers and did what he could to get me all the medications I need for the least amount of money possible (but still...that hurt the pocketbook.) So now Im on 7 different medications. He said were gonna fight fire with fire, and I hope this works.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:45:17 +0000

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