I cant believe how much company Ive had ,Im sorry; Okay because I - TopicsExpress


I cant believe how much company Ive had ,Im sorry; Okay because I had to get paperwork I had to get my husband to agree and sign paperwork that all this time he did not want to get divorce he said, Ever Even If We w Wasnt Together He Planned to be my husband and me his wife legally for the rest of our lives ! Lol Yea For Real No joke to give me a divorce he wasnt going to sign no papers of any kind legal separation or a permanent divorce kind of separation ,So many many Hard Broke broke and in pain tears of anger and pain many many arguments and a long stretch of time in just a few months this year will make three years july1st. Will be 3 years since I moved out and In with my niece Reagan, separated so I couldnt get Anywhere where I could get my check back and I I have been to hell and back and I can show you Vouchers lol But a fact truly been miserable broken and in pain, pain in my body that I had no narcotics for anymore & Tremendous pain in my heart for so many things but mostly my closest love ones and friends that I had lost or could not walk to this hard road through this tremendous storm alone most of the time and hallelujah guess what I found out just this last few weeks that might be going to get Besides my. Bread n butter, shelter, monthly visit again to my pain doctor, my many medications that I cannot afford without the Medicaid & the Medicaid will be back on as soon as the first check goes out yeah they told me during this last few weeks that possibly Id be getting Some Back Pay Because see I was already disabled Im not trying to get to save them Id been disabled by my surgeon for several years by the time this all took place , And I did not get any job that my name or social security number would have been in play which would have screwed this all up and I knew that all along with all the people saying you should get a job you should get a job ,lol Im glad I didnt Cuz if I did let my social security number get back in play they would have Only been, Too happy to cut me off completely Saying that if I work that I didnt even the disability But heres the exciting news, OMG,OMG Oh I have an adrenaline rush likening diety to just take off running right now screaming All good though all in good LOL K you ready??? Well for the last few weeks I told me that since I was disabled and didnt work and had no income whatsoever coming in that they still owe me money because I was disabled and for every month that I didnt get a check they probably would have to pay me back I and the $ figures,that they told me about But had no confirmation of it for sure yet well that was then a few weeks back and now the confirmation came my social security case manager that I talked to today on the phone about it and she got confirmation and so did I Almost Today have a stroke The figure that theyre pretty sure on Okay to wrap your seatbelt on here it is: $25,870.32. No joke no exaggeration, No BS, And no Im not tripping or delusionall lol ! Now thats a status update that I guess was worth waiting for because it took me forever to get out , sorry
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 03:53:55 +0000

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