I cant get to them all but I remember Mike Cremin teaching me how - TopicsExpress


I cant get to them all but I remember Mike Cremin teaching me how to lead a platoon in COMBAT, and I remember him laughing at me afterwards when I was scared shitless on our first convoy, then I remember his excitement after our first engagement, which was my trail by fire and by far our most dangerous time in country. Somehow I handled that like Id done it before (Marine Corps training?). Everyone else was absolutely on point, too. I remember Jp Neuberger coming up with our plan to cover the danger area on Route XX which probably saved at least three local nationals, and maybe Marines, lives. I remember Aaron DudekDeJon ParisJarred Keith BignessNathan ScottKyle TimoteoJames Creamer III and all the other LCpls in my platoon who constantly humbled me with their hard work. I remember Mike Petchnick and his crew clearing back some crazy distances in uncleared terrain to help our convoys. I remember Din Din VOLUNTEERING to roll with RCP when they lost too many vehicles to continue without support. I remember Jason Barbosa running and motorpool as an absolute professional and running his recovery crew, Kevin Singleton and the rest, under intense fire a lot of times and impossible recoveries. I remember us being so fed up with training by the time we got to Afghanistan. I remember how excited 1st Platoon was when we finally got the mission up way North. I remember having 9 great Sergeant by the end of the deployment and making up jobs for them all ( what the heck do you do with 9 Sergeants?) . I remember a platoon being patient with a Lieutenant who could barely brief an order in front of people who turned into a Lieutenant that did it with ease and enjoyed briefing 100+Marines and sailors before we went out on your 6-11 day missions. I remember handing out every well-deserved award and wishing I could give them to the whole platoon. I remember tearing up when the platoon presented me with our platoon guidon with all their names on it. It was all amazing gentlemen and women and I will never forget your sacrifices. What do you all remember? Tag others if they arent on here
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:11:37 +0000

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