I cant thank you enough for all the text messages, calls, and - TopicsExpress


I cant thank you enough for all the text messages, calls, and support. As devastating as the fire was I am so proud of my daughter, Melissa Sluice, she is stronger than I as I watch her process this life event. She is proof that ist not the events of our lives that determine who we are yet its the meanings we attach to these events. Her positive atttitude of Well hey...... I have enough clean clothes to make it though a week and an extra pair of shoes thats more than I had yesterday! She focuses on what she has ben blessed with as opposed to what the fire took from her. She has no control over what the fire destroyed but is SO grateful for all the amazing people in her life to help carry her. It was not a coincidence her mom was on her way to OKC when the fire ignited. I have been coming up for the OK Relay summit for the past bunch (not sure how many but I was blonde 😳 back when I started like in 2007ish) of years ago. I always stayed on her couch even when she was a student at UCO. This year I had the honor of being one of the emcees and presenting and booked a room to be safe. I thought the room was for me but now I look back and see Gods grace covering my daughter. The day day before I left for OKC my youngest daughter, Murphy Marie ,was getting strep so on Thursday before I left town I took her in to the doctor. Have you ever heard a Physician ask a 16 year old if they know the serenity prayer? She said yes and he asked her to say it. She said..... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference We see so much destruction in our world, yet there are true angels on this earth that carry us when we cant walk. We dont know how or why the fire stared in the apartment BUT we DO know Gods got this and has made a way for her to be relocated in a new apartment with no deposit and one month free rent!!! Thank you all for your love and the hugs I got yesterday at summit. I can hear myself saying the same advice my mom would give take it one day at a time with a heart of gratitude for this day (((❤️)))
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:12:29 +0000

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