I couldnt end the year without a whinge - why spoil the habits of - TopicsExpress


I couldnt end the year without a whinge - why spoil the habits of a lifetime !! This time it is about drunks in A & E. Not a good start to the New Year seeing on the news inebriated idiots clogging up A & E. A doctor has called for police to prosecute drunks and that the soft touch isnt working. I have a better idea. Unless drunks have injured themselves, the police or bystanders shouldnt call an ambulance to take some numpty to A & E where they are already overstretched. Leave them where they fall. Drunks are mollycoddled, especially binge drinkers. Think about it, you can get totally legless and have fun. Then you fall down in a stupor and taken in a warm ambulance to an even warmer hospital, where you can throw up to your hearts content, without having to clean it up and sleep it off in a bed. Years ago you were either taken home by your friends where you would get a berating from your parents, or left to sleep it off on the streets. If these stupid people werent mollycoddled and left until the cold start of day covered in vomit, you might think twice about getting rat arsed. These selfish people are clogging up our beds and preventing seriously ill patients from getting the treatment they deserve. Spare a thought for those medics that are attacked by drunks as well. Shame the hypocratic oath means that medical staff have to treat everyone, no matter what.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:29:53 +0000

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