I debated a bit before I posted this; but thought maybe someone - TopicsExpress


I debated a bit before I posted this; but thought maybe someone could learn something. James and I have been very blessed financially. We have had nice cars, a nice house, and took vacations frequently. I was at the peak of my career making more money than many people in my position. I was absolutely miserable, but stayed for the money. My world came crashing down (or so I thought) in December when without cause or warning I was let go. I accepted a job in February making less than I was before although not much less. After the first month - I knew it was not where God wanted me. I was miserable, grumpy, exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. I came home crying almost daily. I began praying and job searching again. I felt like such a complete failure. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. I was told of a position that would fit my skill set, but it would be a $20,000/yr pay decrease from what I made last year. I decided to apply. Within 24 hours I had applied, went for testing, and interviewed for the job. The next morning; I accepted the position. Tonight as I sit here I realize how blessed I am more than ever. I havent been this happy in years. I am happy when I come home. I have energy for my kids and my husband. I have time to clean and cook dinner for my family. Money cant buy that! There will be sacrifices, and its a big adjustment. But I wouldnt trade it for anything in this world. Thank you God for guiding my path, even when I felt you had left me. You had such a bigger picture that my mortal mind couldnt for see. For all those going through something; anything..just hold on. Gods got this!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:39:45 +0000

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