I did not intend to vent again on the constant negativity and lack - TopicsExpress


I did not intend to vent again on the constant negativity and lack of patriotism (by REPUBLICANS.) But every day it seems, the negativity goes on. Never happy for one moment. Republicans manage to find something to whine about in EVERYTHING. Paul Pascuzzi notes: Last year Allen West was complaining that Obama was not doing enough to bring this guy home, this year he complains that Obama brought him home. Typical. The father took the time to learn as much Pushta and Arabic as he could after his son was captured in order to try and talk to the Taliban and get his son home. He spoke in English, Arabic and Pushta on the stage. He said he was speaking in Arabic and Pushta because his son had not spoken or heard English for about 5 years and was having difficulty communicating when he was first retrieved. His son also was barely able to speak when first retrieved as he had not been allowed to talk for a long long time. As to how his son was captured, there are at least 3 different versions going around. One from Wikileaks says the military documents show he was captured while going to the latrine. Some soldiers claim that he deserted his post, but even they do not claim to have witnessed him deserting, they also claim they had to sign non disclosure agreements with the military about it. A third version has him being taken as they returned from patrol. Today is a great day for the United States of America. The safe return of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl is an answer to the prayers of the Bergdahl family and a powerful reinforcement of our nation’s commitment to leave no service member behind. I commend the diplomats, service members, and others who worked tirelessly to bring Sergeant Bergdahl home, and I commend President Obama for taking decisive action to achieve the agreement leading to his release when the opportunity arose. The President rightly recognized our solemn obligation to take every possible measure to protect and defend the men and women who serve our nation. - Robert Shepherd (Redding, CA)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:52:41 +0000

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