I did security from 9/2009 to 9/2014. And in that time I came to - TopicsExpress


I did security from 9/2009 to 9/2014. And in that time I came to the conclusion that while some officers were doing it as a job or in order to advance in the field of public safety. Most were doing it because of some distinguished complex suffered through past experiences. Whether it was because they were bullied and felt the need to pursue a field in which they can do the bullying or because they were big in high school and needed to continue that feeling of self worth through an authoritative position. Granted there are exceptions, straight out of the military and wanted to do something that was similar. Regardless its not that black and white. I look at all the shit officers need to go through to do their jobs, pompous civilians who feel theyre smarter than the law and can uphold their rights through deception and manipulation. Not necessarily negative but it stressed a feeling of narcissism towards individuals granted the responsibility to induce safety in a given area. This whole idea of recording officers as theyre going their jobs based off if something the individual did to require an officers presence. Its ridiculous. Im not saying that there arent officers who go to drastic extremes, primarily based off of previously noted complexes. But there are officers who know their duty and will only do what is necessary to uphold that responsibility. I had a couple of girls who I had to confront at my last post. Suspicious setting and it caught my attention. I approached them as politely as I could, Im just not a mean guy, and they blew the whole situation out of proportion stating that I was harassing them as they had yet to prove their reasoning for being at my property. I should state that they were two 16-18 y/o females who were blaring offensive music in a private area. And the way they talked to me, it was your stereotypical teenager in todays society. Then I noticed they had both their phones pointed at me. So instead of getting upset and stressing that gathering information in a private lot is illegal without the permission of the owners I put on the most cliche teenage girl voice I could come up with and told them that they were trespassing. I started laughing my ass off as they looked at me in disgust knowing that I was mocking them. Eventually got them to tell me why they were there and they claimed they were picking up their mom. So (still sporting the cliche teenage girl voice) I told the that like they could totally oh inside and wait with their mom or they can leave the property until their mom was ready. They immediately left and I have yet to see a video on youtube. Regardless it got me thinking about why I was doing security. And I told myself it wasnt some sort of complex from high school. Even though I knew that was a lie I told myself it was true. People are a product of their environment. And I wasnt dealt a great hand with either nature or nurture. Not a horrible one but not a great one either. I was bullied in high school and that affected me. Technically I shouldnt have graduated based off of my attendance record. However a mental disability turned out to be a good enough excuse. And I didnt get into security to bully people but rather keep people from being bullied.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 06:59:20 +0000

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