I didnt get a chance to post last night!! The Lady Patriots killed - TopicsExpress


I didnt get a chance to post last night!! The Lady Patriots killed it on the field yesterday! 21-9 against the Moon Valley Rockets! We got there a bit late.. it was tied 7-7. Their pitcher was decent, but our girls were on the money on offense! Base hits, doubles, Kota had been up a couple times before we got there, but after we got there, she knocked the crap out of the ball into center field just about 3 feet shy of going over the fence for a triple, bringing in 2 runs, I managed to get the hit and her running on video..then the next batter up had a crazy pitch, kota went to steal home and slid, I lowered the camera when I noticed the catcher hadnt taken her helmet off and was blocking the plate and kota slid under her legs (she was SO safe) but in the process the helmet of the catcher caught her in the mouth. The ump called her out. I had stopped recording after you hear me saying oh shit..of course.. She was trying to get up but they had her stay down making sure she was ok. (shes a CHAMP) She got up, got checked by their trainer, iced it, the ump said something about pulling her from the game... Kota wasnt havin it, Trainer said sit out the inning w/ice let me check you then youre clear. She was back in the game. After that? The rest of the game was fire for the girls. Kota came home sportin a little fat lip and blood down her neck and an even bigger W for the game! I swear I wish I could separate the videographer and Mom in me.. that woulda been perfect.. But the Mom always wins & I jumped when I knew she was gonna get hurt. It was an AWESOME game!!!! Way to go Lady Patriots!! Love you Kota!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 18:42:21 +0000

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